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Carbon Neutral Demo-Plant Center

Carbon Neutral Demo-Plant Center
  • NameJung-jin Han
  • Tel+82-42-860-7597
한중진 사진

Major research fields

Research on source technology demonstration of carbon-neutral chemical processes

  • Establishment of a demonstration support platform to strengthen the competitiveness of key materials and process technologies for the carbon-neutral chemical industry
  • Empirical study of new carbon-neutral chemical technology (TRL 5~7)
  • Prototype production and test/analysis evaluation support using demonstration facilities

Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) empirical study

  • Demonstration support platform to promote commercialization of market demand-driven CCU products
  • Empirical study of chemical utilization of carbon dioxide technology
  • Research on commercialization support through a CCU technology support system tailored to local companies

Support for revitalization of Yeosu, Jeollanam-do

  • Identifying technological difficulties and technical support for small and medium-sized companies
  • Support to foster human resources for carbon-neutral demonstration technology
  • Support for company workforce capacity building

Support for commercialization of new carbon-neutral chemical industry technologies

  • Technological development upgrade and technology/design package support through empirical research on source materials
  • Smart plant construction technology integrating digital transformation technology
  • Research and support for stability assessment of carbon-neutral chemical processes using smart plant construction technology