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Advanced Energy Materials Research Center

Advanced Energy Materials Research Center
  • NameJungdon Suk
  • Office+82-42-860-7335
  • Mailjdsuk@krict.re.kr
석정돈 사진

Major research fields

Key materials for high-efficiency and high-stability inorganic/organic hybrid solar cells and stability enhancing technologies

  • Core materials and device technology for high-stability inorganic/organic hybrid perovskite solar cells
  • Core materials and device technology for inorganic/organic hybrid heterojunction solar cells
  • Large-area printing process-based high-efficiency inorganic/organic hybrid solar cells

Perovskite solar module customized to optical/electronic hybrid device and application of hybrid device

  • Solar cell materials, devices, and structures for matching charging current and voltage
  • Design of new device structures and processes for horizontal and vertical structure of hybrid optical/electronic devices
  • Heat and chemical resistant materials and devices for integrated device
  • Development of materials and devices with improved optical, thermal, and humidity stability for optical/electronic integrated operation
  • Exploration and development of new shared electrode materials for optical/electronic hybrid devices
  • Understanding the electrochemical behavior of perovskite materials and their applications in energy storage devices
  • Design and development of structure, materials, and device-integrated optical/electronic hybrid devices

Next-generation lithium battery core materials and high-capacity and high-stability battery technology

  • Key technologies for high-capacity, high-stability next-generation secondary batteries
  • Key lithium battery technologies for high-density energy storage based on non-metallic oxygen elements
  • Key materials and application technologies for flexible batteries and all-solid-state batteries

Core materials/devices for optical/electronic hybrid devices

  • Photoactive/interlayer materials and device technologies for large-area high-performance organic solar cells
  • Low and high irradiance organic solar cell materials and devices
  • Bespoke materials and device technology for organic solar cell-secondary battery-based hybrid devices

Development of ion transfer materials and unit device for renewable energy-based energy conversion

  • Design and synthesis of materials to improve the positive and negative ion transfer membrane property for ion transfer material-based water electrolysis
  • High-performance and durable ion transfer material production technology for polymer electrolyte fuel cells
  • Oxidation-resistant polymer electrolyte membrane fabrication technology for redox flow batteries
  • Electrolyte membrane gas barrier and stability maximizing technology
  • Interfacial stabilization technology for membrane electrode assemblies
  • Technologies to analyze and improve the applicability of renewable energy-linked load fluctuations