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Center for Infectious Disease Vaccine and Diagnosis Innovation (CEVI)

Center for Infectious Disease Vaccine and Diagnosis Innovation (CEVI)
  • NameNamhoon Kim
  • Office+82-42-860-7277
김남훈 사진

Major research fields

Advancement of new and emerging infectious disease diagnostic technology

  • Advancement of nanostructure-based diagnostics
  • Signal amplification technology for supersensitive detection
  • Development and performance evaluation of prototype diagnostic kits with supersensitive detection technology
  • Plasmonic-based ultra-fast/ultra-sensitive diagnostic sensor development

Highly pathogenic viral infection screening technology

  • New microfluidic chips for immune cell response detection
  • Microfluidic chip-based immune cell response and immune indicator analysis technology
  • Biomimetic organ chip-based infectious disease models

High-efficacy vaccine production platform development and advancement

  • High-efficacy vaccine production platform development and advancement
  • New and variant virus vaccine development using high-efficacy vaccine production platform
  • Ultra-high-risk new and variant virus vaccine development

Vaccine efficacy evaluation system for new and variant viruses

  • Research on new and variant virus infection mechanisms
  • Vaccine immunogenicity evaluation and antibody-neutralizing evaluation system
  • Vaccine efficacy evaluation system based on infected animal models

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김남훈 센터장 042-860-7277
구근본 선임연구원 042-860-7439
권영찬 책임연구원 042-860-7028
김균도 책임연구원 042-860-7493
김성준 책임연구원 042-860-7477
김정 연구원 042-860-7228
김천생 책임연구원 042-860-7491
김해수 선임기술원 042-860-7404
김홍기 책임연구원 042-860-7020
박성준 선임연구원 042-860-7494
박지혜 연구원 042-860-7179
안대균 책임연구원 042-860-7495
윤건영 연구원 042-610-8543
이성균 선임연구원 042-860-7484
이종환 책임연구원 042-860-7952