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Technical Support Center for Chemical Industry

Technical Support Center for Chemical Industry
  • NameJong-mok Park
  • 전화+82-52-241-6050
Jong-mok Park

Major research fields

Local industry support platform for testing, analysis, and pilot production

  • Analytical technology support for eco-friendly, high-value-added precision chemicals and biochemicals
  • Utilization of testbeds for product demonstration and mass production technology support for eco-friendly and high-value-added precision chemical and biochemical materials companies

R&D planning and convergence research support customized to the local chemical industry

  • Technological roadmaps and policies to revitalize related industries in the region
  • R&D project planning support for local government to solve current issues
  • R&D cooperation projects to ease technological difficulties of local industries

Workforce training support and cooperation networks

  • Attracting and utilizing specialized professionals in precision biochemistry and promoting training tailor-made to specific technology/industry in the region
  • Industry-academia-institute cooperation networks and technological exchange