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Chemical Safety Research Center
  • NameJong Woon Kim
  • Office+82-42-860-7482
  • E-mailjkim@krict.re.kr
Jong Woon Kim

Major research fields

Development of technology for predicting and reducing risk factors to citizens’ health

  • Development of technology for predicting composite risks based on ingredients of chemical products
  • Development of technology for identifying and monitoring environmental pollution sources based exposure evaluation of hazardous substances
  • Development of Safe-by-Design based technology for reducing hazardous materials and risks

Studying and propagating information about chemical accident prevention and counteraction and chemical safety

  • External provision of chemical data management software
  • External provision of mobile app for coping with leakage of hazardous chemicals
  • Propagation of chemical safety culture

KRICT Chemical Safety R&D Hub (Internal and external cooperation and technical support)

  • Establishment of technical platform in response to regulations on chemicals and provision of technical support to industry (REACH, Act on Registration, Evaluation, Etc. of Chemicals, The Act on the Safety Management of Living Chemicals and Biological Agents, etc.)
  • Research on technology for supporting design of safe chemicals and developing alternative materials
  • Research on fundamental technology for preventing microdust and responding to new types of environmental pollutants